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History of the Civic Association

The association of volunteers for help to the vulnerable youth was formed in 1985 under the supervision of Dr. Ladislav Sztyahul, PhD., Dr. Ladislav Gyurgyík, PhD. and Dr. Alexander Puss, PhD. In those years the threat was more ideological, over time it transformed into fight against addiction, protection, prevention, work therapy. Three civic associations were established.

After six years, as the first civic association named KIK was registered at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic on 20 December 1991. From 1992 the members of the association would meet regularly every week and carried out activities in the area of awareness and building structures throughout the whole Slovakia. The main activity consisted of organizing summer camps for the vulnerable youth, for families with many children. They started to publish magazines, a monthly magazine which has been published till today without financial aid is called ITT vagyunk (HERE We Are). Currently they meet once a month.

In 1994 the civic association started its participation in the activities of the international civic association HÁLO, which has a similar orientation. Partner organizations are in Romania and Ukraine, where the civic association annually sends its volunteers.

In 1998 the number of members exceeded 1,000 registered members.

In 1999 the second civic association was established, subsidiary, under the supervision of Father Puss, which was registered in the territory of the Ukraine, in the town of Uzhgorod, with the number of members 46. Until the year 2000, the association published textbooks and booklets from their own resources for young people on the current topic of the youth. In ten years 12 books were published, with the number of copies 100 to 500. The civic association established a library for free lending of books on the topic of young adults (in 2000 the number of books reached 5,000 items).

In the years 2000 – 2008 building of centres for the vulnerable youth started. From the year 2000 film clubs for the vulnerable youth were gradually established, by 2010 the number of films in the film library increased to around 1,000. In addition, also the website was set up.

In 2004, through the members as volunteers, the realization of Puss Farm started. The average number of visitors during the summer months is 30–100 young people per week, in the winter months about 20-40 young people.

In 2005 the cooperation with the civic association Friends of the Community Cenacolo was founded. Thanks to projects in which also the volunteers of Father Puss participated actively, the centre for drug dependent young adults was established - at the beginning with 8 residents, in 2011 already with 25 (Kráľová pri Senci).

In 2007 the publishing house of CD media was set up, useful topics for the vulnerable youth were published, particularly in the area of ethics and erotica to clarify taboo topics for the youth. Eight CDs were released, 200 pieces each, which were handed out free of charge. Later also another website 18 plusz was set up, which has been transformed into the website dobroprajnost over time – as an information medium for young people older 18 years about what they can afford and what they should avoid after 18 years of age.

From 1August 2011 the association leased premises from St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences, and in cooperation with it the realization of the third centre for drug addicts and children from the orphanage began. By the end of the year 2011, 12 young people were accommodated here, and the second farm was set up, where breeding of domestic animals began.

On 16 December 2011 the third civic association with a similar orientation was registered, named Dobroprajnosť (in translation “Benevolence”). An objective was added to the previous objectives: help to children after leaving orphanages or professional families.

At the beginning of the year 2012, the centre in Jarná 18 united 20 volunteers. 11 young people were accommodated here, 4 of which were full-time employed in the centre. Since 1 January 2012 a new website has been active. It serves for informing the public about the issues which the civic association deals with.